In the world of chocolate, bean-to-bar typically refers to the trade model indicating that one brand controls every stage of the product from the purchase of the beans to the production of the bar. Whereas chocolatiers melt pre-made chocolate to make chocolate confections, bean-to-bar makers source, clean, roast, crack, winnow, and grind the cacao beans themselves to form a chocolate bar. The companies producing bean-to-bar chocolate care first about quality, sustainability, and transparency.
So why does bean-to-bar chocolate cost more than the average chocolate bar? Simple. These are not your average chocolate bars, nor the bars you'll find in your local grocery store. Much like grapes in the wine industry, cacao beans differ in taste depending on their geographical location. The award-winning craft chocolate bars on this site utilize some of the most sought after cacao beans from some of the most remote regions of the world. Think of it this way, when you taste these chocolate bars, you're tasting some of the best the world has to offer. A wine considered to be one of the world's greatest would likely cost hundreds of you sample quality of that level for a fraction of that price.
Still not convinced? Try a bar. Those who have tried craft chocolate can easily tell the difference from mass-produced chocolate and the higher price is not questioned. After that first bite you'll say "now I understand".