About Us

We are driven by the desire to share the finest, most sought after chocolate bars the world has to offer. Too few people have been exposed to the beauty of craft chocolate, and we want to change that.

The world of bean-to-bar chocolate is similar to the world of fine wines. Just like grapes, cacao beans differ in taste based on their variety and geographic location. This concept is known as "terroir", the idea that you can taste where they were grown. There are passionate people around the world from the cacao farmers who work the land and harvest the beans, to the chocolate makers who devote their lives to making the best products they can. 

The time, care and skill that went into these chocolates is not akin to what you will find in the grocery store. Bean-to-bar is not about mass production to maximize profit but rather sustainable production to maximize quality. From carefully selecting and purchasing the best cacao beans for a particular chocolate profile, to roasting, grinding, refining, tempering and molding the bars, everything is a labor of love.

Whether it's for yourself or someone you care about, think of it this way, when you taste craft chocolate, you're tasting some of the best chocolate the world has to offer. One bite will have you convinced.

We’re a small, passionate team in Montreal, Canada. We hand-pack each order with care and attention, delivering beautiful, award-winning bars right to your door.

Happy tasting.
